Our Voices in Albany – Spring 2025 Newsletter
Key bills in Albany need your support. Please call your state representatives and urge them to co-sponsor and/or support them. Your voices make a difference!
These two will make the felony cruelty law more effective: “Tucker’s Law” S197/A3050: ensures that defendants who are convicted of a a felony for the most heinous crimes of animal abuse can be properly incarcerated in state prison, as are other convicted felons. S703/A2019: removes the word “serious” which is subject to interpretation from the felony statute, thus making it easier for prosecutors to prosecute the cases more efficiently.
S3046/A54: bans all types of glue traps, cruel tormenting devices that force mice and small critters to suffer a prolonged and horrible death.
S4613/A5815: extends Orders of Protection to animals who end up being pawns in acrimonious domestic disputes.
S1784/A5505: requires property owners to inspect vacated property within three days for abandoned animals.
Two deal with wild animals. S1182/A667: bans painful leg-hold traps and S562/A859: bans using non-native animals, such as tigers, for example, from being used in canned hunts.
New York State Humane Association Humane Review, Vol.XLV, Spring 2025.