Equine Cruelty Investigation Training July 2023
NYSHA was proud to support the “Investigating Equine Cruelty and Neglect” workshop held at Little Brook Farm in Old Chatham. The July training was conducted for law enforcement personnel and humane agency cruelty investigators. It featured speakers Susan McDonough, retired NYS Police Investigator and NYSHA committee member, and Dr. Steve Naile, equine veterinarian. NYSHA Board member Jean Daniels assisted at the registration desk.
This was the most recent of the yearly workshops that Little Brook Farm has produced in an effort to make law enforcement personnel aware of how to recognize cruelty when they receive a complaint about a neglected or mistreated horse. Lynn Cross, the farm’s founder, was proud to report that the attendees were very impressed with the training, and she had received several thank you emails.

L to R: Delhi PD Officers Tyler Croizer, Tiffany Croizer; Tioga Co. Dep. Sean Detota; Delhi NYSUP Lt. Jason Lonecke, Delaware Co. Dep. Collin Roche. Abe, a police horse retired from Rockland Co. Mounted Police, patiently assisted.
New York State Humane Association Humane Review, Vol. XLII, Fall 2023.